Taking care of indoor plants in spring
It already feels like spring outside and although there are still spells of cold weather, the spring preparation has begun. Now is the right time to pay attention to indoor plants and take extra care of them so that they return your kindness and delight you during the coming warm months.
After the winter repose when plants slow down their growth and life functions, they get activated with the advent of spring. For this reason, at the beginning of spring it is necessary to perform certain actions.
For plants that need to be repotted you should use pots one size larger than the old ones. To prevent root growth at the expense of leaves and stem, you shouldn’t transfer plants to containers that are too large.
To improve aeration of plants that do not need repotting, you should break up the top layer of the soil carefully so as not to damage to roots. You may add some more new soil.
It’s a good idea to ‘bathe’ the plants with leathery leaves in the bathroom in order to remove dust. For more delicate leaves you can use a damp soft brush or cloth to wipe the dust off. Hairy leaves must not be treated in this manner, otherwise their bristles would be damaged. Dusting should be constantly performed throughout the year because the specks of dust prevent the chlorophyll in the cells from absorbing the sunlight and slow down the process of photosynthesis thus.
Large green plants need to be watered more frequently if they are in rooms with dry air. They should be fertilized with fertilizers for green plants according to the label directions for use. Dry leaves should be regularly removed.
In spring flowering plants begin to grow more vigorously and to set flower buds; therefore, this is the right time to begin using fertilizers for blooming plants.
It’s important to water plants in moderation so that they will feel comfortable and won’t rot or die. When watering a plant, the pot shouldn’t become heavy or overflow. The water fills up the air pockets in the soil and the root can’t breathe. As a result, the plant droops, rots or dies. Even plants that transpire lots of water don’t like being overwatered. Start watering, using a smaller amount of water and keep watch on the moisture in the pot. When the top layer of the soil begins to dry up and you detect moisture 1,5-2 cm beneath, then water the plant again.
While taking care of the plants, don’t fail to watch for diseases and pests that might have appeared so that you will be able to take timely action.
With so much care and attention given to your plants, they will undoubtedly be a bright spot in your home, attracting attention and delighting everyone.